
Cookies are essential components of the online experience, serving as unique identifiers stored in a user’s computer memory or device when accessing the South Simcoe Theatre Applications. These small text files are employed by South Simcoe Theatre to recognize users and manage access privileges on various devices, such as computers, mobile phones, e-readers, or tablets.

Two main types of cookies are utilized: “session ID cookies” and “persistent cookies.” Session ID cookies temporarily store information while users are logged into the Devices, expiring when the browser is closed. On the other hand, persistent cookies enhance user convenience by retaining login details across sessions, remaining on the user’s hard drive for future visits.

Additionally, South Simcoe Theatre utilizes “Flash cookies” or local shared objects, which are data files deployed through the Adobe Flash plug-in. These files personalize user visits and may be integrated into or downloaded onto the user’s device. They differ from standard browser cookies in terms of data volume, type, and storage methods.

It is crucial to note that subscribers who decline cookie acceptance from their devices may encounter restricted access to various areas within the Devices. Cookies play a pivotal role in tracking site usage, providing a seamless login experience, and personalizing visits. They contribute to the overall functionality and user-friendliness of the South Simcoe Theatre Applications.

Furthermore, third-party service providers also utilize Flash cookies to collect and store information. The distinctive nature of Flash cookies lies in their ability to handle larger amounts and different types of data compared to standard browser cookies. Their storage mechanisms differ, highlighting their unique role in enhancing user experiences.